About Me

Well hello!  I'm a big fan of these pages on other people's blogs, so I thought I would put one up here for anyone who might stumble across my little blog.

My name is Kari, and I'm a forty-something wife to my hubs and mom to my children, homemaker, and dog lover {especially of my own pup, Arwen}. I grew up homeschooled, which might account for some of my love of reading, as I did a lot of that during any downtime between subjects or after school.

I love to read, but it can be hard to find time for that between homeschooling and homemaking.  I've also learned {as many mothers before me} to embrace the audiobook, as many days that's the only kind of reading I might be able to get in.  If I'm not reading, spending time with my hubs or young ones, you can probably find me crocheting. I picked up that skill in March 2022, and that basically replaced my cross stitching and knitting.

I would love to go to a book convention someday, but as I live in the Pacific Northwest, most are usually too far away.  But its definitely on my bucket list!

My absolute favorite place to read and just relax is in the comfort of my own home.

1 comment:

Vikk @ Down the Writer's Path said...

Okay, I totally understand your love for historical fiction and how it derived from a passion for Henry VIII's life and wives. I am also a dog lover sharing my life with six, myself.

Enjoyed visiting your blog.