Thursday, May 3, 2012

Cover Reveal: The Torn Wing

Isn't it lovely?  Kiki Hamilton's first book in this series {The Faerie Ring} was wonderful, and it really captured my attention in a way I didn't think it would.  I originally borrowed it from the library, but I enjoyed it so much I went out and bough my own copy!

Also, guys, if you're like me and you haven't really been blogging long enough/frequently enough and don't get offers from publishers, you really should be checking out Goodreads for their giveaways.  Sometimes its advanced copies, sometimes it isn't. They've actually got a giveaway going for this lovely book {just click the link}.  Yes, it doesn't end until the day the book is released, but its still a copy of the book!

1 comment:

Jasmine Rose said...

I still need to read The Faerie Ring, but I do like the cover of the second book. It's rather pretty :]