Sunday, May 20, 2012

In My Mailbox

This is a weekly meme hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren.  Its a great way to show what you won/bought/borrowed each week {or so}.  I might write one each week, but most likely every couple/few weeks... you'll just have to come and check it out!

This week I picked up a couple books from the library, and realized I also have several that I got cheap/free for my Kindle {those have actually been the last couple weeks, not just this week... All were free except one! I love free!}.

Borrowed from the library:
The List by Siobhan Vivian
Cinder by Marissa Meyer

Bought for the Kindle:
{Most of these were downloaded from Amazon free, and I picked them because the descriptions sounded interesting.}
Open Minds by Susan Kaye Quinn - I tried to win this almsot a dozen times on Goodreads, so it was a shock and a thrill to see it for $2.99 on Amazon for my Kindle!
Savage Cinderella by PJ Sharon
Awake: A Fairytale by Jessica Gray
Tangled Tides by Karen Amanda Hooper
Errant (Killer Unicorns) by Diana Peterfreund {yes, the very same who wrote For Darkness Shows the Stars}
Glimpse by Stacey Wallace Benefiel

I would love to see what you got in your mailbox this week!  Please leave a link in your comment so I can find it =)


Muggle Madness said...

Awesome book haul! We've read Cinder and it was REALLY interesting and different from other books because, well its dystopian and includes robots... nothing gets better than robots! :) Haven't read The List but it seems pretty interesting just by looking at the cover, let us know how it turns out!

-Calamity & Chaos <3

Ashley said...

Great books! I think The List sounds quite interesting.

Here's what I got this week :)

the story siren said...

oh Cinder! I Love that book!! and yay for free kindle books! you can't beat that!

hope you enjoy them all! happy reading!

Jasmine Rose said...

Yay for Cinder! It really is an amazing read :D I hope you enjoy all your books :]

Jasmine Rose said...

I tried to leave a comment, but now I don't see it. Strange.
Either way, I adored Cinder and I hope you end up loving it too. Enjoy all your books :]

Unknown said...

I need to borrow Cinder and The List as well!

Ee Hwee @ Bursting Books said...

The List and Cinder!! I really want to get my hands on them. :P Happy reading!

My IMM post this week.