Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Top Ten Tuesday {12}

This is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.  Every week there is a different top ten topic.  You can find the list of topics here, both past and upcoming.  This week is:

Top Ten Books I'd Recommend As Good Beach Reads
{Disclaimer: "beach reads" to me isn't necessarily the same as it is to most people.}

1. Any of the Sookie Stackhouse books.  Because they're all pretty much fun summer reads, and they're almost always talking about how warm it is!  Plus, they're pretty light reads.

2.  Dreamers by Angela Elwell Hunt.  I always associate "beach reads" with books that take place in a warm climate, so mine aren't always easy reads.  But you know it'll be tropical ;-)

3. Mara, Daughter of the Nile by Eloise Jarvis McGraw.  This was actually a late spring/early summer read for me when I was still in high school, and it always reminds me of summer.  And, like the last one I mentioned, this takes place somewhere warm and reminds me of the warmth and heat of summer.

4. Of Poseidon by Anna Banks.  Only, I really hope you're not actually planning on going in the water after reading the beginning of this one!

5.  Goddess of Spring by PC Cast.  I really like most of the books I've read by just PC Cast {I'm not talking about the House of Night ones that she co-wrote with her daughter}.  A lot of them are great beach reads, this one is one and Goddess of the Sea is one too.

6.  Something Borrowed by Emily Giffin.  Chick Lit is usually something I associate with a good beach read, and this one definitely is that.  Plus, most of it takes place in spring and summer, and she writes about going to stay in the Hamptons.  I've wanted to stay at a posh beach house forever, and this one makes me want to even more!

7. The Emerald Isle (Heirs of Cahira O'Connor #4) by Angela Elwell Hunt.  Can you tell I like this author?  Ha ha!  This book is wonderful {the whole series is!}, but what I like about this one is that Kathleen goes off on an adventure.  And summertime is meant for adventures, no?

8.  Wings by Aprilynne Pike.  All of the books in this series are lighter reads {well, at least the first 3 are}.  Even the scenes that are meant to be more intense are few and far between, and its a great book to be able to pick up and read, but also not feel like you have to keep reading no matter what.  Which is great for a beach read.

9. Mr. Darcy, Vampyre by Amanda Grange.  This one is another quick read.  If you lack imagination to picture Mr. Darcy as anything but the character we are given by Jane Austen, please, leave this book alone.  Its humorous and light{ish}, and while there are darker moments, its never very serious, so its a great book to be able to put down so frolic ;-)

10. The Princess Bride by William Goldman.  We all know the basics of this story.  Which makes it a great beach read, because you won't feel guilty putting it down to play in the surf and sand!


Unknown said...

I need to get my hands on 1 and 4 and 6 was o my list as well!

Unknown said...

I need to get my hands on 1 and 4 and 6 was o my list as well!

Anonymous said...

Great list! We both listed Something Borrowed. I have been meaning to try the Sookie Stackhouse books to see what they're all about.

Anonymous said...

Oh man, Something Borrowed. I need to read this book! Like now, I've been searching for it for a while now.


Angela said...

The Princess Bride is a perfect choice for reading on the beach. Great list!

April (BooksandWine) said...

Oh! I want to read Mara, Daughter Of The Nile. I love books about Egypt and it sounds super good!

And yayyy Sookie Stackhouse, in 2009 that was totally what I was reading all summer.

My Top Ten Tuesday

Unknown said...

The Princess Bride!!! That's such a great answer and one of my favorite books to read when I was younger! Awesome choices this week :)

Crystal @ Elegantly Bound Books

yarereviews said...

of poseidon! Wings! Great list!
My TTT; http://booknookgirl.blogspot.com/2012/06/top-ten-tuesday-beach-reads.html