Sunday, March 3, 2013

What I've been up to...

Well, very surprisingly on February 1st, I went from this {37 weeks pregnant}:

to holding and spending time with this{!!!}

I've been reading a bit {finished only 6 books so far, but I think that's pretty good for having not read anything this entire month!}, but that's slowing down now with having Baby D here {who I shall now just refer to as D}.  I was on bed rest for a few days with my pregnancy, and by the end of that week the little guy decided he was done with his time in the womb and that he would make his great debut into the world on the outside.  {Side note: I got lucky and my labor with him from start to finish was only 12 1/2 hours, and only about 4 1/2 could I really even feel the contractions!}

I finally got my hands on The Mephisto Kiss... even better then the first one!  If you haven't read either one, what are you waiting for?  Pick them up!  I got them both from my local library, so that would be where I would check first if, like me, you don't have any spare cash for books at the moment.  {Side note: libraries are awesome.  Take advantage of them!  You get books for free, peoples.  Free.  Just remember you do have to return them.}  I also finished reading Tangled Tides, which was pretty good {and a quick, easy to follow book - great for a pregnant woman!}.  Another one of the few I've read this year was Glimpse, which wasn't anything like what I was expecting.  It was much better, although it kind of ended abruptly.  *Runs over to Amazon* Oh! It's a trilogy! And they have the other two? I might have to see if the hubs is okay with me buying them... Or I might want to spend that money on one of the many sequels to the books I LOVE that have come out in the past few weeks {can we say Unravel Me??}.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Aw. Congrats. Your baby is adorable.

Need to read Unravel Me. Now that you mention it.

Jennifer @ Dream Reads