Sunday, March 2, 2014

In My Mailbox {10}

This is a weekly meme hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren.  Its a great way to show what you won/bought/borrowed each week {or so}.  I might write one each week, but most likely every couple/few weeks... you'll just have to come and check it out!

This post isn't for the week... This is basically the books I've purchased or my hubs has bought for me since Christmas, so it's going to looks like a LOT, but this is basically 3 months worth of books {some are pre-Christmas purchases as well}. And almost all are books I have not read yet, so my TBR pile is pretty much gigantic now!  I need to get reading like crazy...

John Green boxed set, featuring Looking for Alaska, An Abundance of Katherines, Paper Towns and The Fault in Our Stars.  I read TFiOS a while ago {well, listened to the audiobook courtesy of my local library}, and I just loved the tragic beauty of the story of Hazel Grace and Augustus Waters.  My husband go me the boxed set of John Green works for part of my Valentine's Day gift!

Marie Lu's Legend Trilogy.  I've heard great things about this set, and it was an Amazon Lightening Deal a few months ago, so I picked it up.  I will probably do the "read when I can, listen when I can" with this set, like I've done a few of the books I've read since Little D was born {thank you, KCLS, for having so many audiobooks available so quickly!}.

A huge Half Price Books haul, along with two from Amazon!

Daughter of Smoke & Bone and Days of Blood & Starlight by Laini Taylor.  Again, I've heard great things and they were less than $5/each!  Plus, I love the UK DoBaS cover that Half Price Books had!

Along for the Ride by Sarah Dessen.  Because everyone in the book blogger world seems to be in love with her, and it was only $2, so why not?

Hollow City by Ransom Riggs.  One of my Amazon purchases, I used some of my Christmas cash to order this one.  I really want to find out what happens next to the Peculiar Children.

Ignite Me by Tahereh Mafi.  My other Amazon purchase.  If you've read the series, you know why I needed to get this one.  If you haven't read the series, them you need to go pick up Shatter Me.

Withering Tights by Louise Rennison.  I saw this at the library a long time ago, and have had in on my TBR list for just as long.  When I came across it at Half Price Books for only $2, I knew I should pick it up!

Ruby Red, Sapphire Blue and Emerald Green, aka The Precious Stones/Ruby Red Trilogy by Kerstin Gier.  A series about time traveling teenagers?  I'm a total Whovian.  I love time travel!  So, yes, yes, and yes!  It was originally written in German, so only Ruby Red has an English description on Goodreads.

Fallen in Love by Lauren Kate.  I have this whole series, and read most of this a while ago.  I though this should be added to my library {and, hey, on of the only ones on this list that I've actually read!}.

Sweet Venom by Tera Lynn Childs.  This has been on my Goodreads TBR list for a while, and when I saw it in the discount section at Half Price Books, I thought I would just pick it up.  Lord knows I could probably rack up $2 in overdue fines pretty quickly, I might as well just buy the book!

Hereafter by Tara Hudson.  Another that's been on my Goodreads TBR list for a while.  And, again, only $2 at HPB?  Yeah, I'll pick that up!

Shades of Earth by Beth Revis.  I've been wanting to read this since I read Under The Never Sky {I keep seeing them being compared to each other in very good ways}, and, while I don't actually have the first two in the series, how often can you pick up a hardcover for less than $5?

Winter's Tale by Mark Helprin.  Have you seen the previews for the movie?  This looks to be outstanding!! {Plus it was a nice Costco find!}

Midnight in Austenland by Shannon Hale.  Loved Austenland {both the book and the movie... Jennifer Coolidge, you rock!}, and because of how intriguing this book sounds is the whole reason I picked up Austenland in the first place.

Dragonfly in Amber by Diana Gabaldon.  I read/listened to Outlander a few weeks ago.  I put off reading it for SO long {a friend recommended it to me years ago}, but, my word!, its SO good!!  I have the audiobook from said friend and am listening to it and reading it as I can.  Love these books so far!

Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins.  I borrowed this from the library a couple years ago, and I LOVE it.  If I ever have a daughter, I hope she loves it as much as I did.

White Hot Kiss by Jennifer L Armentrout.  So far I've loved everything I've read by JLA, and when this went on sale via Amazon for $5.99, I ordered it.  Can't wait to read it!

BabyLit primers!  Costco had all of these, and I just needed to pick them up for my sweet boy {and, again, if I ever have a girl...}.  Pride & Prejudice {a counting primer}, Sense & Sensibility {an opposites primer}, Jane Eyre {a counting primer}, Wuthering Heights {a weather primer}, Romeo & Juliet {a counting primer}, Moby Dick {an ocean primer}, Dracula {a counting primer} and Alice in Wonderland {a colors primer}, all by Jennifer Adams and illustrated by Alison Oliver.  These came as two-piece sets, hence having several counting primers {or maybe that's just my subconcious wanting to give Little D a head start on math, since I'm so bad at it?}.

My last fun mailbox item is actually a Kindle I won from Christy at The Reader Bee as part of her awesome blogoversary giveaways {she had three awesome giveaways that took place over the entire month!  Woot!}.  If you follow my twitter, you know I tend to tweet quite a bit about various giveaways.  I really don't ever tend to win anything, and the fact that I'd entered all three and won this... WOW!

So, yeah!  Loads of books, but this was all over the last few months!  I have a lot of reading to do, so I'll sign off with that!  What did you get this past week/month?

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1 comment:

Chelsea @ A Very Bookish Girl said...

oh my goodness girl! So many books I am beyond jealous. I'm sure you'll love most of them, I have a few and I know I've been dying to read them myself. So exciting to see such huge hauls! So awesome!