Title: The Skyriders: The Rise of the Sunbird
Author: K.L. Cooper
Pages: 380
Publisher: UnderCover Press
Goodreads Rating: 4.43
Published: May 30th, 2017
Source: eBook/bought
Determined to rescue her family's failing museum, Alia Relic auctions a mysterious book with an unknown past. But when the chance to bid draws a lot more than fancy pearls and fat pocket books, what may really be on the block is her life.
Wren Cordilleran has been sent to find the one woman who can save his kind from destruction. But what he finds at the Four Winds Museum will test every honorable bone in his body and threaten all that he stands for.
Dragged away from everything Alia knows and thrust into the hidden world of a forgotten race, this new reality will challenge both her will and her deepest fears. Within the walls of Castle Cordilleran, she'll discover that her future was never a matter of choice and...
My Thoughts:
I had picked this eBook up as a steal of a deal after seeing it on a Storygram Tour and oogling the beautiful cover. I wasn't disappointed, other than the fact that I have to wait until who knows when for the next installment!
The story starts out with Alia Relic in her late mother's museum, which she has been managing. A lover of history and artifacts, its the perfect place for Alia, even though being in charge of it for years has left her feeling tied to it and unable to travel and see all the history of the world in person. Maybe that's for the best, since she is terrified of flying and it would take a long time to get anywhere relying on cars, boats and trains. Plus, what with struggling to keep the museum's finances in the black, it's not like she has the extra money to fund any ventures of her own.
The museum has numerous atrifacts that have been donated, but none as mysterious as an ancient book. An ancient book that has no known origins, but seems to be something everyone wants. Including three mysterious men who come to bid on it at the auction Aria put together, and leave with a little more than just a large tome.
Aria agrees to go wtih Wren Cordilleran and his two companions when it becomes apparent that her life is in danger and they seem to be the ones who can help her. She flies with them *gasp* to their home that is literally in the mountains. Despite her fears, she finds herself enjoying Wren's company and those of the other Skyriders around her. Oh, and did I mention they all have wings? And some are downright birdish? And she needs to get ready, because she's about to become the weilder of the Sunbird...
It's been a while since I've read such a good adult fantasy. I really enjoyed the different POVs {it's always nice to get into more than one character's head!}, and I was a little amazed at how well Alia took everything! It's one thing to have ideas and theories about another humanoid species, but seeing them in person after having them save your life because some crazy guy is attempting to kidnap you? That would have me questioning my sanity!
The world building was really quick, but fairly detailed in The Rise of the Sunbird. I swear, at one point while I was reading late into the night, I thought I was in the mountain. Maybe the perks of living in the middle of farmland with air conditioning making my house really cool? Ha ha! I swear, at one point I was ready to sclimp into my "nest" and curl up for bed. But, of course, I had to finish my book first!
It was really interesting to see how much some of the characters knew about humans and their way of life, and how little the majority of the Skyriders seemed to know. Those in the military or royalty had pretty extensive knowledge of humans, seeing as the Sunbird {their queen} inhabits the body of a human woman every 150 years or so {did I mention they have prolonged lifespans? And a couple of them are immortal??}.
You guys, I really, really want the second book in the installment. I want to see what happens with Aria, Wren and the rest of the Skyriders! And Goodreads is giving me no hope, since it doens't even have book two listed in its database!
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