Title: Refuge of the Heart
Author: Ruth Logan Herne
Pages: 336
Publisher: Franciscan Media
Goodreads Rating: 4.73 stars
Published: September 25th, 2015
Source: Paperback/from publisher
District Attorney Mitchell Sanderson wanted for nothing and lost everything in a tragic accident. A dogged worker, Mitch’s conviction rate earned him respect and trust. Now up for re-election, Mitch’s law-and-order persona makes him a shoo-in candidate. But when faith, conscience and love of a troubled refugee ripple the smooth waters of his existence, can Mitch risk everything for love?
Magdalena Serida fought her way out of the terrors of a government-quelled insurgent uprising in Chechnya. The church-sponsored refugee knows the horrors of war first-hand. Now in America with her five-year-old sister, Lena is uncertain who to trust. Her Christian faith has maintained her through the loss of her family, but when Mitch Sanderson shows interest, Lena longs to take a chance. Should she open herself up to this man of law and order, a man who imprisons women like her? Or slip quietly back into the shadowed fringe of anonymity?
But choices slip away when Mitch’s friend spews half-truths about Lena, rumors that cost Mitch his new love and possibly the election. Can he find his way to a faith deep enough to love again, and to offer Lena the refuge of his heart.
My Thoughts:
Okay, I'm honestly having a little trouble collecting all my thoughts for this! So this might be a little more of a bullet review. Disclaimer: I received this book free from the author for an honest review. Here I go!
The book follows the story of Lena and her little sister Anna, both refugees from Chechnya who have been in the US for a couple years. Lena was working towards a nursing degree so she can continue doing what God had called her for and provide for her sister (she had just graduated with her doctorate before her and her mother were taken by a Russian officer). She had many things happen to both her and her mother that still haunt her, things she just does not want to share with anyone unless absolutely necessary.
Mitch Sanderson was... content with where he was in life. He was skating by in life, had dove into his work so hard that he had absolutely no time for anything else. After losing his wife and unborn child in an accident, everything he had truly loved was gone and he didn't want to face it. Then, one day, he helped a young woman with her flat tire, and he started to see what he was missing.
I love the story of Mitch and Lena (and Anna)! I was drawn into their world and hoping they would both learn to trust the other and lean on them. At first it seemed like Lena would have the hardest time trusting Mitch, and that was true. But Mitch had a difficult time trusting Lena with his heart as well. At one point he pushed her away so hard, and it was all because he couldn't trust that she would tell him the truth - without even asking her one simple question: "why?"
Ruth Logan Herne is a wonderful story teller, bringing characters to life in a world you will get so engrossed in, you'll feel like you're there. I actually had my fireplace going one of the days I was reading, because I just felt so cold when she was describing how cold Lena and Anna always were during the cold months where they live! I thoroughly enjoyed this book, and I hope anyone reading this review decides to pick it up and enjoys it too.
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